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 SUSTAINABLE FARMING, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, FOOD SECURITY                                                                                 

Liseli Farms

At Liseli Farms we aim to alleviate poverty and elevate communities through agricultural activities that pertain independency, sustainability and close participation with community leaders. We equip our community with practical skill development and the resources they need to create a sustainable future for themselves.


Liseli Farms has a variety of fresh produce ranging from pecan nuts, oranges, lemons, naartjies and seasonal produce. 

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What we Believe


We believe that doing good is love with its working boots on. Jesus showed us by His kind and hard work that we must continuously elevate the poor and the weak. Liseli Farms follows Christ's example of charity in a practical and exciting way. 

God centered

We strive to do all things in love, conducting ourselves with generosity, submission, and with justice. The Lord has been our provider, and we aim to be good stewards so that He may increase our store of seeds and enlarge our harvest so that we may be generous on every occasion; enriching the lives of the community and as a result give thanks to the Lord.

Community Participation

We believe in creating sustainable development through the notion of close participation with communities and community leaders. We aim to achieve sustainable development through the equipping of agricultural skills and providing necessary resources to those in need and assisting them on the path to uplift themselves out of poverty. Our heart is development through long-term agriculture, however this is one facet in a multi-faceted model. 

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Liseli Foundation
taste the light

Liseli Foundation is the arm of Liseli that stretches out into the communities through various different approaches, including building and improving churches, providing primary education, food security, new methods of income, basic clinical care and clothing.

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From Our Blog


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Liseli Farms, Lusu Ward, Sesheke, Western Province, Zambia. 

Cell: +260 976 321 339

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The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.

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